Oct 1NEXT MEETING: Growing Proteas With Daniel MacDonald Of Mt Woodson Flora, Oct. 19, Oasis RB In-person Only(NOTE: This is Not a hybrid meeting, there will be NO Zoom this time, but the meeting might be recorded for our YouTube channel if all...
Mar 1, 2021HORT BOOK CLUB: March Selection, Green Mansions By W. H. HudsonIts easy! Just send an email to Karen England at k-england@cox.net and put "Hort Book Club" in the subject line. Zoom links to the book club
Feb 1, 2021HORT BOOK CLUB: The Food Explorer by Daniel StoneWhat we are reading next: The Food Explorer by Daniel Stone Meeting Date: February 22, 2021 Time: 6 pm PST Where: Zoom (link will be emaile
Jan 1, 2021BOOK CLUB: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa DiffenbaughTo join, send an email to k-england@cox.net with the subject "Book Club". A Zoom link will be sent to all who join. January 25th, 6pm. The