By Karen England, SDHBC Head Muckety-muck, for Let's Talk Plants! January 2022.
Have you heard how much fun the SD Hort Book Club is?
It's amazing, and I'm not just saying that because I'm the head muckety-muck. I have learned so much since the book club started in January 2021. The membership roll is 27 with a few lurkers who dip in and out as the books pique their interests and their schedules allow. There is, however, plenty of room for more, so if you've been thinking that a horticulturally curated book club would be just the thing to do on the last Monday evening of every month at 5 pm on Zoom then, please, by all means join us!
Just send me an email c/o with "Book Club" in the subject line and I will add you to the roster. It's free, and guests and members are welcome.
We decided at the last book club meeting on December 6, 2021, to skip the last Monday in December and move the discussion of our next book, Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, to January 31st. Now we all have plenty of time to read this one!
That’s me, SD Hort Book Club head Muckety-muck in training, in the above photo, circa 1966. By the looks of it, I was a snazzy dresser! When my mom cleaned my room when I was a kid, she would put my desk, chair and dollhouse on top of my bed to be able to vacuum the floor and I did my homework and played with my dolls while she worked, undaunted (or at least my childish version of undaunted. I should probably rephrase that having read about Lewis & Clark . . .). I’m showing you this picture for you to see the headboard of my bed. It’s a bookcase headboard. My mom painted it dark pink and that’s where all my book club books went . . .
Did you or someone in your family ever subscribe to the Book-of-the-Month Club?
My dad did in the 1960s! And, he also subscribed, for me, to the Young Readers and Quality Paperback clubs, (among others) which were my first book clubs. It seems inevitable that I would start the San Diego Horticultural Society's Book Club!
The Book of the Month Club still exists and I'm toying with idea of joining, where the motto is "Books are cool again".
(They are "... Kidding, books were always cool. Choose from the five best new reads every month and get them delivered...")
January 31st, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
February 28th will be The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson. March 28th will be In Search Of Lost Roses by Thomas Christopher. April 25th will be Turn Here For Sweet Corn by Atina Diffley.
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
👍 👍 It was unanimous! We gave Finding The Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard, which was our November reading selection, TWO thumbs up!
Watch Suzanne talk about her book and the trees here: