Unless otherwise stated, we meet the third Saturday of the month at 1:30p at
San Diego Oasis in Rancho Bernardo, 17170 Bernardo Center Dr., San Diego, CA 92128.
FYI - Our new bigger meeting room at Oasis is The Innovation Center on the lower level.
Five Herbs That Changed History and You Can Grow Today! Presented By Karen England, February 15, 1:30p - 3p In-person Oasis, Rancho Bernardo

For centuries herbs, defined as "the useful plants; useful for cooking, crafting and medicine", have been so important to mankind and remain so to this very day. From Vikings to Pharaohs to the first Olympians and ancient Philosophers and more - all of whom used herbs as their food, fiber and medicine - the same herbs that we still use and can grow today.
Your president, Karen England, is a passionate herbologist, championing "the useful plants" everywhere she goes. She is also on the board of the International Herb Association and now Karen will bring in five historically important herbs that we can easily grow and use today to this in-person meeting for this fun herbal "show and smell". There will be even be some tastes of the herbal flavors too! (Which is why this meeting is in-person only, since there is no way for Karen to share the flavors and fragrances of these important plants on Zoom.)

San Diego Oasis
17170 Bernardo Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92128
