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Photo credit: Jenn Crocker
2021 Cuyamaca College Botanical Society recipient of the San Diego Horticultural Society’s Susi Torre-Bueno Scholarship, Jenn Crocker.

Hi I’m Jenn Crocker,

The 2021 Cuyamaca College Botanical Society recipient of the San Diego Horticultural Society’s Susi Torre-Bueno Scholarship. First off, I would like to thank you all for choosing me to receive this award. Your generosity will go a long way to help me complete my education at Cuyamaca.

I am a career change student who has been involved in the Ornamental Horticulture program at Cuyamaca College for the last 3 years. I am a past CCBS president and continue to stay as involved as possible within the department. I am on track to finish my certificates in Arboriculture and Sustainable Urban Landscaping this winter. I have a passion for all things tree related and diagnosing plant problems. It’s my goal to obtain my ISA certification within the next year or two and become a certified arborist. I also hope to find and enroll in a graduate degree program to obtain my master’s degree in horticulture in the next few years.

Earlier this year, my desktop computer decided that the blue screen of death was a better look for itself and chose to leave me early in the semester. A portion of the money from the Susi Torre-Bueno scholarship will go towards purchasing a new computer that I can rely on in the years to come for school and work.

I recently started working at the San Diego Zoo in their BROWSE department, which helps to plant, grow, maintain and harvest plant material to feed animals at the zoo, safari park, and a few other zoos across the country. I’m extremely excited about this position and the experience it will provide for me.

In my spare time, when I’m not doing horticultural related things, I love to cook, spend time with my dogs, adventure around the county to places like Julian and Palomar Mountain, and thrift for treasures. I’m excited to join the San Diego Horticultural Society and help with any projects you need! Thank you again for believing in me and choosing me as your 2021 CCBS Scholarship Recipient.

- Jenn Crocker

On the evening of Thursday, May 20, SDHS President, Karen England, attended the CCBS 2021 Scholarship Awards online, and met Jenn Crocker, our Susi Torre-Bueno Scholarship recipient. The event was led by Leah R. and Amy H. of the CCBS and included a photo tour of the newly finished horticultural campus construction, as well as, time for each recipient to meet in a breakout room with their benefactor representative.

With the permission of the event attendees, Karen took screenshots to post here (see above).

And, for those wondering, the SDHS STB Scholarship is $2,000.



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