Review Of Better Homes & Gardens Special Houseplants Publication
By Karen England, for Let's Talk Plants! March 2022.

For only $12.99 recently at my local Sprouts, I purchased a Better Homes & Gardens magazine called, simply, Houseplants and I'm glad I did. A close look at the cover reveals this title is "Back By Popular Demand" and is actually the third printing of Houseplants 2020.
I'm surprised it hasn't been reprinted more, since a serious argument can be made that houseplants are the hottest thing in gardening next to succulents. Next time you are at the grocery or newsstand, in case they don't reprint it again, pick up a copy (cover also says, "Display until 5/6/22" so there's no need to run).
The Editor, Susan Appleget Hurst's opening line in the introduction is, "Plants are the ultimate feel-good accessory for your home, and you don't need a gardenful to boost your mood - a few indoor plants can have a wonderfully positive impact on everyday life." So true!
The same cannot be said for faux plants. I'm sorry. Someone has to say this . . .
. . . On YouTube you can see hundreds of beautifully designed room makeovers where the plants used are fake. There are even video tutorials to make your own fake plants. To me this is a travesty. Instead of cleaning the air and making you healthier, depending on what materials are used to make the fake plant, you could be dealing with "off-gassing,” and actually worsen your indoor air quality no matter how good the room looks. That's why this magazine is so great. It shows real plants, lots of them, in beautiful rooms, with easy-to-understand strategies to be a great indoor gardener.
The periodical covers houseplant basics and beyond, combining plants, fancy begonias, hanging plants, seasonal plants, herbs, healing sick plants, designing, displaying and crafting with plants, 30 easy-care plants, blooming plants, ferns, houseplant propagation and more. Beautifully photographed and inspirational, this magazine is a must-have for indoor gardeners.
