By Sharon Tooley, Palomar District Director.

I am pleased to announce that the Palomar District is back to “in-person” meetings and looking forward to a great year of gardening activities.

Our June meeting, sponsored by the Bernardo Gardeners Garden Club, was held at Capri Blu restaurant in Rancho Bernardo with about 60 members in attendance. At this meeting we named our “Woman of the Year” floral designer and National Garden Clubs Flower Show Judge Barbara Weiler.
We also elected new officers for 2021/2023 years.
District Director – Sharon Tooley
First Assistant Director – Judy Fizzard
Second Assistant Director – Kathy Taylor
Recording Secretary – Laura Crenshaw
Treasurer – Lisa Mercier
After conducting other business we ended the meeting with lunch and a game of Garden Bingo.
Many of our member garden clubs kept busy during the last year through the pandemic.
· Paradise Hills Garden Club worked with the city of San Diego to get permits (this took three years!) to begin a three part garden on an old land fill area in their community. The city graded the area and Paradise Hills members have cleaned the area, planted trees, made pathways and finished planting the Pollinator Garden. Log onto their Paradise Hills website for more details.
· Descanso Garden Club applied for and won a Plant America Award Grant from National Garden Clubs to help fund a community garden. They worked in conjunction with the Descanso Town Hall association.
· Vista Garden Club stayed active during the pandemic by sending out twice monthly newsletters with pictures of member gardens, upbeat funny comments and an advice column for plant problems. They also donated over 250 succulent bowls to a local senior living facility and and helped organize and participate in the planting of over 200 trees in Brengle Terrace Park. They had a plant/garden art sale in May that raised over $4,900 for their club projects.