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SHARING SECRETS: Putting Spring Into Your Garden’s Next Step

Edited by Cathy Tylka, for Let’s Talk Plants! March 2024.

WiX stock photo.

Before we get to this month’s question and your answers, we have an announcement:

Coming in the next issue of the SD Hort newsletter we will be adding a regular feature to this Sharing Secrets column.

We are going back in time and will be researching questions and answers from our Sharing Secrets Let’s Talk Plants! archives for the valuable information that the archives contain to continue to share our gardening know-how with each other.

The feature will be called Heritage Haunts, and there may be a question or two for you because of what we find.

We may want to know if you ever tried something that we’ve uncovered from the hundreds of previous Sharing Secrets articles. Did you have success? Heck, who knows? Ten, twelve or fifteen years ago, you may have even written what we find, and we want to know if you have anything to add now, or if you think it’s not useful anymore and give you an opportunity to say something else about it.

You never know what you will find, maybe even an answer to a current issue you are facing in your garden!


This month’s question:

Now that it has rained, plants and flowers are growing, weeds are being pulled out. What is your next step as the beginning of spring is coming to your garden?


Connie Choothesa exclaims…

...I plan to move some of my freesia bulbs which have multiplied to the front yard's flower beds for more color. 


Also, I want to plant some flowers (in my front flower bed, next to my husband's Marine Corps Veteran flag) in the colors of red, white and blue before the 4th of July so they will be ready to show on the Fourth of July holiday. 


Tony Foster claims…

Now that our cement-like clay soil should be soft enough, I'll be pulling out the crabgrass by its roots.


Deborah Suroz Weber wants to know the best green onions to grow…

...I explained that I was only the compiler of this column to which she said…Grazi Mille!

WiX stock photo of green onions, also called scallions.

(President, Karen England, adds that this is the perfect question to ask over on our SDHS Facebook group, and she hopes everyone will hop over to FB and not only ask questions like this but provide answers when you know. To that end Karen went ahead and asked Deborah’s question on her behalf stating, “Asking for a friend - what is the best green onion to grow in our area?”


Wouldn't you know it? Ronee Nicholson-Kozlowski immediately replied with this gem - “Personally I cut the root ends off the store-bought ones and plant them before using the other parts to cook with. Works great.”


Visit the SD Hort Facebook group page, link below, to see what other answers are given or to add your advice.


Karen England of 92084 acknowledges…

…I am already hard at work in my garden and kitchen on my contribution the International Herb Association’s Herb of the Year™ 2025 Chamomile book since the submission deadline looms this spring.

WiX stock photo. Chamomile in a teacup. Chamomile is the IHA's Herb of the Year 2025.


Cathy Tylka shares…

…I am cutting way back on my overgrowing Stick of Fire and Opuntia. Also, I have grape vines to cut back and tie up. But being outside in the sun or gloom makes me soooo happy! But I’m sure you understand my overgrowth problem.


Question for next month:

What is your favorite plant, fruit, tree and/or flower that occurs at this time of year? Do you have any of this growing? Please share pictures and stories about these “favs” of yours.


One more announcement!

New Super SDHS Hat Giveaway

Just respond to the Sharing Secrets Question-of-the-month and you will be automatically entered into the quarterly Super Hat Giveaway.

Yes, that’s all you have to do, just answer the question. The winner will be announced quarterly at the monthly meeting and in the following issue of our newsletter.

If you win, you will be able to choose your hat from the three hats available on our merchandise store, the Outdoor UV Sun Shade Cap which only comes in one color, tan, or a traditional ball cap which is available in two colors, blue or pink.

Additionally, please remember to include your Zip Code when responding to the Sharing Secrets Question. It’s important so that others in your climate zone can learn from your endeavors. And send pictures, whether from your own garden or from another site, because photographs are appreciated.


Cathy Tylka, RN, retired Emergency Nurse, found her love of plants and the SDHS merge many years ago. Cathy acted as Treasurer for the organization and volunteers for many activities. Now, she is more than happy to assist in gathering questions to ask you in the Sharing Secrets area of the Newsletter.

If you enjoyed reading this article, consider joining (or renewing your membership with) the San Diego Horticultural Society.



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