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SHARING SECRETS: Has The Weather Got Your Plants Down?

Public domain: Wikimedia Commons.
Artist Homer Watson, 1855-1936 , Painting, The Last Day of the Drought - Royal Collection.

Edited by Cathy Tylka.

Has the weather got your plants down . . . if yes, what are you doing about it? Weather includes heat, wind, overcast days, too much sun, drought, and anything else that comes your way.


Marlene Walder, 92078 . . . Plumeria still blooming. New leaves coming on. Some of the full sun plants fried (a lot), while some showed no signs of stress. Agaves faired the best if established.


Sally O'Neil, 92154 . . . We deal with drought and I use soaker hoses on timers. I also use connectors to the hoses and soakers so I can just snap them in and out. Makes it very easy.


Tynan Wyatt, 91910 . . . I tend to grow tough plants that thrive when it's hot. However, I live about 2 miles from the coast as the crow flies and there is plenty of maritime influence. So, while my climate area allows my plants to limp through the winter, it seems to take a long time for them to get the heat they really love during the summer. As a result their growth is a bit slow and a sooty mold often shows up when we have our "June gloom" days. I'm trying to listen to the climate gods and favor those plants that are well adapted to the sunny and 70's climate of San Diego but it's a struggle to give up some of my favorites. We'll see!


Carol Zukowski . . . My plants are doing really well. The only adverse thing were a few burnt roses during that bout of heat in October. Up to just today, it has been an ideal endless summer.


Pat Veolia, 92084 . . . My well-established Ceanothus “Concha” was fabulous in March 2019, but in late summer 2020 we had a couple of scorchers that were 90+ degrees. Most of our CA lilacs got fried (Yankee Points and Conchas). Some might make it and are showing a bit of green growth. My question is: should I prune out the dead stuff or leave it all alone until I know if they are going to be worthwhile and green up? Some of my Aussies didn’t make it either.

Heartbreaking! I know...I gotta get over it. They’re just plants, right?

(Newsletter editor's (Karen England) note: In order to answer Pat's question, please head over to the San Diego Horticultural Society's Facebook Group where a discussion can take place.


Rebecca Long . . . Just having to water more than usual for this time of year, since we have no rain. I have two volunteer tomato plants that are not growing at all. My succulents are colorful though!


Alyse . . . My garden in front and back is basically drought resistant succulents and cactus, with potted epis and geraniums. I do tend to have a survival-of-the-fittest attitude when it comes to gardening. Writing this makes me realize I need to do some serious watering of my three fruit trees who are producing fruit regardless.


Mollie Allen, 92064 . . . Last winter's rain was particularly hard on my four agave Desmettiana variegata plants. The two plants in the center of the photo are still looking rather worse for wear however the two outside plants have fully recovered.


Karen England, 92084 . . . I have resorted to prayer.


Well, happy gardening!

- Cathy Tylka


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