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SHARING SECRETS: Favorite Insects

Edited by Cathy Tylka.

This Month's Question: “What’s your favorite insect or arachnoid? Does it fly, does it crawl, does it pollinate? Does it have 6, 8 or more legs? Is it colorful, is it almost invisible?"

Al Field says:

Ladybugs. They’re colorful and eat aphids.

And with this, allow me to add: Verses about Ladybugs, author unknown -

1. Oh ladybug, I wish you joy As you complete your garden chores. I'd like to put aside my work And join you in the out-of-doors!

2. When strolling through the garden, If you should chance to see A ladybug out walking, Please say "hi" for me! For ladybugs are good bugs, They help the garden grow They will bring you good luck, So always say "hello!"

3. Ladybug, ladybug I see you! Crawling in the grass of the morning dew So tiny but beautiful you move along You appear like a morning song.

4. Lovely little ladybug sent from heaven above please watch over my garden and fill it up with love.

5. This lucky little ladybug has landed here to stay To make my garden pretty and keep the weeds away.


Mollie answered:

That's a tough one because I have more than one favorite. Okay, my top one is a bee. The ones that I see each spring on my flowering bush (can't remember the name). It's a long and wide bush and the bees are everywhere on it.

But for luck, I love the ladybug. And, let me add, ladybugs are a symbol of good luck and prosperity and closely associated with romance.


While Eric Anderson of 92029 states simply:

Praying mantis.


While Pat Pawlowski of 92084 replies:

My favorite insect is the bumblebee, (Bombus spp.) a native of these parts, a hard worker and cute as the dickens. Although some people may find the bumblebee slightly intimidating (which I actually like), this fuzzy-wuzzy bee does not, I repeat, does not want to sting you. It's too busy pollinating the planet (including your homegrown tomatoes, which it pollinates by shaking the heck out of the tomato flower). While those famous honeybees and butterflies are still sleeping in, the humble bumble is already out bumbling around my cassia, native sages and selected weeds. Various nature websites can tell you what you need to plant to invite them to add vitality and enchantment to your yard. Ditch those herbicides and pesticides, people. We need these bees!


And our own Susi Torre-Bueno of 92084 also declares:

Great question this month! My favorite insect is the dragonfly, and purely because it is so beautiful. We occasionally see blue and red ones in our garden, and that's always a special thing.


Also, Suzy Macgillivray mentions:

Ants. Not fire or carpenter, just plain busy ants. I read somewhere that they are "purposeful creatures, not given to leisurely gatherings". I always like to stop and watch their very busy days marching on and to and fro, passing each other and veering out of the way to allow passage. Do they communicate with a "what’s up" as they meet?

I admire their steadfastness: yes, they do nasty things with aphids, but at the same time they are unintentional pollinators and soil aerators. It all evens out.

A colony most likely could, "whoops there goes another rubber tree plant!"

They are not welcome in my house. but this answer was for in my garden. I like ants.


And Rod Thurston talks about:

The most intriguing bug(s) in my yard are the Solpugids. They have ten appendages, the forward two modified for grasping hence making them more closely relayed to scorpions. They are commonly known as sun spiders or wind scorpions. They are totally harmless to humans and are not poisonous. They are death on other bugs and spiders. I only see them at night out on the driveway and, yes, in the house. I try to corner them with my cupped hands so they are not injured when I pick them up to release them in a safe area (no humans). And no, there is never a jar or a sheet of paper handy and I do not think they ever try to bite. They are more concerned with escaping. Care is required only because they have a large abdomen and would be easy to damage during handling. Most of the ones that I have seen are maybe an inch across, including legs, but I have seen a few that were up to 2” across. Very impressive when rearing back in defensive posture. Still harmless. I have no pictures of my own because I only see them at night {and they can move quite fast} so I took the liberty of borrowing one from Pacific Slope Blog (for ID purposes of course). I thank you for not stepping on them because you think that they are unsightly or possibly even are afraid of them. Cheers!


Me, Cathy Tylka of 92029 -

I am always enchanted by the Butterflies…and so I share…


May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond.


Karen England, 92084, fondly recalls . . .

. . . The Sunday School play, based on a passage in Proverbs, that she participated in years ago where she played an ant. Ever since then she has had a fondness for ants ( . . . outside.)


6. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!

7. It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,

8. yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.


Cathy Tylka, RN, is a retired Emergency Nurse, who found her love of plants and the SDHS merge many years ago. Cathy acted as Treasurer for the organization and has volunteered for many activities. Now, she is more than happy to assist in gathering questions to ask you in the Sharing Secrets area of the Newsletter.


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