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SDHS MEMBERS INVITED: Private Garden Succulent and Cacti Party.

By Rick Bjorklund.

Coffee in the Garden, Succulent and Cacti Party.

at Rick and Kevin’s place,

Sunday, January 19, 2020,

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

4728 Allied Rd, San Diego, CA


As in prior years, this party will have plants for sale that have been propagated for this event and garden related items (cash only please for these). Home-baked desserts, appetizers, and beverages provided. Chatting about plants, sharing your plant experiences, meeting new friends, and having fun at the party is absolutely encouraged. Please drop by, enjoy some food and drink, and chat plants!

From Rick; "I always look forward to hosting this annual garden party as a time to talk with others about succulents and cacti, learn some new growing tips, make new friends, and share fun times. Kevin will say, though, that I drive him crazy as I begin preparing months ahead for the party. Some of the succulents in the raised beds are reaching mature size and showing adult characteristics. It has been fun watching the haworthia hybrids grow, while others are from newer seed batches and will take some time to develop. We have a large collection of echeverias, particularly agavoides types, and they have grown together nicely forming a patchwork quilt on their own. We have a growing collection of imported echeverias and relatives—it is amazing to see what is being accomplished via hybridization of these, especially in other countries, of which there are numerous representatives in our gardens.

I enjoy growing a large variety of succulents and cacti, the gardens include many types of agave, aloe, crassula, kalanchoe, mesembs, haworthia, gasteria, small opuntias, pilosocereus, echinopsis and trichocereus hybrids, caudiciforms, and bulbs. Our gardens include areas of plants in the landscape and many large raised beds. Most plants are labeled in case you want to know the names, and for educational purposes. Sometimes there are a number of similar plants in the same area for comparison. While our place isn’t large, we have packed in lots of succulents and cacti, and I’m always game to try a new, unusual succulent or cacti, true to my fondness for shopping and appreciation of abundance!

Speaking of abundance, I am very excited to announce that Carlos Zavaleta of Rojas Succulents and Cacti in Fallbrook, CA will be a guest vendor this year.

His enthusiasm for succulents is quite contagious! I recently met Carlos and his mother, who have a wonderful succulent and cacti nursery in Fallbrook including almost every conceivable echeveria and genus relative imaginable, a nice selection of variegated succulents including some rare and hard to find ones, cauduciforms, and cacti. His mother has thirty years in the succulent business, with Carlos having at least 25 years since he began growing as a child—he especially likes texture and color. Their nursery was opened in 2004 and has a wide variety of succulents offered in various sizes. Additionally, Carlos has a growing collection of variegated and rare succulents he also offers for sale. He will have an assortment of plants available for sale at the party (he accepts credit cards) and will be doing an informal talk on propagating succulents from seed, leaf, or cuttings. I will also offer a succulent related workshop."


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