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PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Please Volunteer To Help The SDHS

By Karen England.

Karen England.
Present and past SDHS presidents, Karen England and Jim Bishop, at Abraxas School Garden in Poway during the June special Board Meeting tour.

The Board met again in June with a special extra meeting to plan the next six months, as well as the next year, concentrating on restarting in-person meetings and especially talking about the 2022 Garden Tour in Poway. At that board meeting we toured two beautiful Poway locations, Cadence at Poway Gardens and Abraxas High School Garden, in anticipation of the next garden tour. It is clear, however, that we are in critical need of your help to restart in-person meetings.

Please volunteer today! You are greatly needed.

That said, as an incentive and in gratitude for service to our organization, starting in September 2021 until further notice, all board members, regular newsletter contributors (regular means contributing four or more articles in a 12 month period) and valuable regular volunteers will all receive a one year complimentary extension of their SDHS membership (as the board sees fit).

We are so thankful for YOU!

The board meets every other month on Zoom and sometimes also in-person. Your choice on which meeting type when applicable.

Mark your calendars! The next board meeting is on July 20th at 5pm this time on Zoom only.

Email for the zoom link and volunteer today!


Karen England loves being the San Diego Horticultural Society president and she wants to work with you! If you volunteer, she thinks you'll love the experience too!

She can be reached at


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