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By Karen England.

Photo credit: Karen England.
Ken and Barbara Kubarych hosted the recent SDHS board meeting in their beautiful Solana Beach, CA garden.

On Tuesday, May 18, the board met in-person (and on Zoom; we successfully tested the hybrid meeting model for use with our future general meetings) for the first time in a year at the beautiful home of Ken and Barbara Kubarych, in Solana Beach, CA.

Photo credit: Karen England.
Board members, Jennifer and Karen, happy to be together again working on behalf of the San Diego Horticultural Society.

In physical attendance at the meeting were the meeting host and membership chair Ken K., treasurer Ray B., member at large Jason C., secretary Jennifer M., president Karen E., and in attendance on Zoom were publicity Jim B., and scholarships Roy W.

Photo credit: Karen England.
Ken K's. ingenious rain chain fountain.

The big, big news from the meeting is that we have picked the date for the 2022 Garden Tour!

Mark Your Calendars!

March 26, 2022, in beautiful Poway, CA. More info to come...

We are meeting again as a board in June at Roy W.'s in Poway. Normally the board meets every other month, not monthly, however, there is much work to be done. This special meeting will also be a hybrid; in-person and on Zoom. We are working hard to transition from Zoom only to in-person meetings safely and have decided to do a blend of both going forward.

You can help! Join the board and help us get back to being together.

The next quarter remains on Zoom only with Saxon Holt presenting Gardening in Summer-dry Climates in June, Toni Gattone presenting The Lifelong Gardener in July and John Fortis presenting The Heirloom Gardener in August.

No matter what, whether we can resume in-person meetings or not before next year, come this fall we are reinstituting the ever popular "Coffee in the Garden." October CITG will be in Ray Brooks' Escondido garden, November in Karen England's Vista garden, and December in Jim Bishop's Mission Hills garden. More info to come . . .

Sadly, we will not be able to resume meeting together without your help.

We need a Garden Tour Chair, a Volunteer Coordinator and a Programs person.

The next board meeting is in Poway on Tuesday June 22 at 4pm. You are welcome to join us for the meeting and for our tour of Abraxas School and Cadence Gardens or, if you prefer, thanks to Zoom you can still do your part online! Email Karen at with whether you wish to attend in-person or online.

Karen England attended the Cuyamaca College Ornamental Horticulture Scholarships Virtual Meetup on behalf of the SDHS and met our Susi Torre-Bueno Scholarship recipient, Jenn Crocker (you can meet her in the next article.)

Additionally, at the May board meeting, the board voted to donate $5,000 to San Diego County schools to support their gardens. Recipient schools still to be decided. Do you know of a school garden in San Diego County in need of our support? Nominate them ASAP by sending an email to Roy W. at

Karen England with her beloved Berries and Cream climbing rose.

Karen England is President of the SDHS and Editor-in-Chief for the San Diego Horticultural Society’s Newsletter, Let's Talk Plants!

She is a past president and current member of the Vista Garden Club, as well as, she is a member and was on the board of the International Herb Association and has contributed to various of the IHA's Herb of the Year books.

She can be found on Instagram @edgehillherbfarm - give her a follow!


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