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By Francesca Filanc.

Find me in the garden.

We are having a La Niña this year according to the weather bureau. La Niña usually means less rain in Southern California. But we have had some years with large storms that did a lot of damage.

As I was sitting outside, having my breakfast in the garden, I was thinking how fortunate we all are, especially during a pandemic to have the passion of gardening and being in nature. My garden has given and continues to give back twenty fold, especially when one considers how we have stayed home more than ever in our lifetime.

As I have said in previous articles, my heart goes out to all those who have lost love ones and have experienced huge losses and hardships during this past year. It will be a year this month that the lockdown started for our safety and a new way of life, perhaps forever changed in some respects.

In light of these changes and hardships I am so grateful and thankful for the garden. And the joy that I and others experience while in nature and gardening.

As I sat enjoying my garden, a kind of church and meditation for me; I felt totally in the moment, at one with nature and inner peace, love, tranquility and joy flooded my being.

I watched birds flutter to and fro from bird bath to birdbath. To the ground for food and into the shrubs, flowers and trees; then back again to the fountains and bird baths. What joy! Here's to enjoying nature and your gardens as much as possible to renew our spirits!

Francesca's latest painting is called “Roses Galore” and is clearly inspired by her beautiful garden surroundings. Acrylic on canvas.
When Francesca walks outside her study into the garden, the air has the aromatic scent of the roses in the early morning.

Happy Gardening!



Artist, author, photographer, fly-fisher woman, Francesca Filanc grew up in old Del Mar and these days lives, paints and gardens in historic Olivenhain with two French poodles.

Find her art and writings here:

She can be found on social media here:

Have gardening questions or want to learn more about Francie’s art? Contact:


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