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FROM OUR VALUED ADVERTISERS: An Evergreen Nursery Special Request

By Mark Collins.

Recently an email titled "An Evergreen family needs help; Tragedy Looking For Hope" went out from the President of Evergreen Nursery to the company's newsletter subscribers, and loyal Evergreen customers amongst the SDHS may have already read the following. Please note that we are not asking you to donate money by sharing this email with you here, however we are asking that, if you can, please help Mark and Evergreen to spread the word to our community about this need.

Thank you,

Karen England, San Diego Horticultural Society President

"They say lightning never strikes the same place twice. Unfortunately, tragedy occasionally does. In these desperate times of the pandemic, there are plenty of truly tragic situations we all hear about almost daily, but once in a while we hear of situations so tragic they leave us feeling as though something or someone has taken an egg beater to our soul. The recent events that have fallen upon the Valle Rojas and Mendez families is a story that has stricken all of us here at Evergreen Nursery to our very core.

Juan Valle Rojas (Juanito) and many of his relatives have worked here at Evergreen for as much as forty years. Juanito was “that guy” who everybody loves; responsible, honest, caring and fun as are most of the Valle Rojas and Mendez family.

Last year Juanito died of health problems exacerbated by Covid-19 as did his brother, leaving his widow Margarita living with his sons and daughter here in San Diego. Now the family is facing yet another horrific loss. Juanito’s wife, one daughter, two sons, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren went to visit Juanito’s grave in Tijuana on May 16th to remember his birthday. When they were waiting in line to cross the border to return to their home in National City a drunk driver crashed into their SUV, smashing it and setting it on fire. One son was killed immediately. That son’s wife was sent to the hospital and died there. Their three children have differing stages of second and third degree burns and are still in the hospital. Juanito’s wife has a back injury and was just released from the hospital as well as Juanito’s daughter who has broken ribs.

This is the part where faith in the goodness of people can turn to hope for Margarita (their grandmother) and her family who now must try and raise the three orphaned children in these trying times. The children will need significant help, both medically and emotionally. To this end, the family has started a GoFundMe page for donations to help defray the mountains of costs that are before them.

All of us here in the Evergreen Nursery family are going to give as much as each and every one of us can. But our biggest fear is that it won’t be enough. Our hope is that by helping in any small way we can, we can exceed their goal and give Margarita and the kids a fighting chance.

Here is the link:

Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may want to help.


Mark Collins, President Evergreen Nursery"



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