Honoring Jim Bishop, Horticulturalist of the Year. Join us on Monday, June 10, at the San Diego County Fair Flower and Garden Show stage, when we will honor Jim Bishop, SDHS 2019 Horticulturalist of the Year. Each year since 1996, SDHS has honored an individual for their significant contribution to horticulture in the San Diego area. This year’s honoree is our very own past SDHS President, Jim Bishop.
Jim joined the Horticultural Society at its founding in 1994 and served as President for six years, from 2011 to 2017. As we wrote previously, during his Presidency, Jim “expanded our membership, helped us go digital, and kept us financially sound while creating a supportive administration. He fathered six annual garden tours to support the Society’s expanding reach. He also led our move to Congregation Beth Israel, where we can socialize with one another and comfortably see slide lectures at monthly meetings.” *
Jim has also consistently inspired San Diegans with his love of plants. A self-described “plantaholic,” Jim regularly shares his fascination with plants in his bi-monthly column in Let’s Talk Plants! He has introdced us to botanical wonders in places like Australia, Morocco, and the island of Crete. Although only a few of us will ever have the opportunity to visit these spots, Jim’s detailed descriptions and beautiful photographs have given us all a taste of what we might find there.
He and his partner Scott Borden also regularly open their Mission Hills garden to horticultural groups, generously sharing the beautiful landscape Jim has created, and inspiring others to do likewise. It is difficult to believe that Jim’s career was in the software industry, given how much he is now identified with all things horticultural.
Please join us for a fun-filled Night at the Fair as we honor this special horticulturist. In addition to hearing from Jim Bishop, we'll have exclusive access to the San Diego County Fair Flower Garden Show exhibits where we can enjoy the display gardens created by some of our finest local garden professionals; enjoy cake, and a no-host bar.
The event is free to SDHS members and $15 for non-members. Tickets available at check-in and parking is free. Doors open at 5:30pm. Presentations at 6:00pm.