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MONTHLY MEETING: 2018 Meeting Preview

November was our last meeting of 2017. We take a break in December, and then we resume with a stellar list of 2018 speakers.

In January, we’ll hear from Gary Ferguson, noted conservationist and award-winning author of Land on Fire: The New Reality of Wildfire in the West. Gary will focus on how western wild fires have impacted our surroundings, how fires affect us, and the integral part fires play in many western forests.

In February, we welcome a local celebrity. Jeff Moore has just published a new book, Soft Succulents, that focuses primarily on Aeonium, Echeveria, Crassula, Sedum, Dudleya, and other non-spiny succulents. His talk will focus on the plants mentioned in his book, and he'll be going into more detail on their use in our gardens.

Then, in March, we change topics entirely as we hear from Tom Nuccio, of Nuccio’s Nursery, the single greatest commercial source of camellias in North America. Tom Nuccio will share his experiences with hybridization, growing, production, and new cultivar introductions. Be prepared to take down cultivar names and ogle at flower and plant samples.

Rounding out the spring line up, Stacy Anderson will join us in April to describe the work of the San Diego Zoo’s Native Plant Seed Bank, which conserves plants by saving seeds.

Mark your calendars for the second Monday of the month and join us to hear these outstanding horticulturalists, shop local vendors, and make new friends.

Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Members Free, Parking Free, Non-members $15

Congregation Beth Israel 9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA 92122

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