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NEWS: 2017 Volunteer Appreciation Picnic

By Karen Krugman.

October 7 promised to be a beautiful morning for SDHS volunteers to celebrate volunteerism. Roughly 50 members gathered at San Dieguito County Park in Solana Beach to celebrate their support of the Hort Society. Our new president, Frank Mitzel, welcomed everyone and shared the floor with past president, Jim Bishop, who thanked everyone for their service. We were reminded that the Hort Society would not exist without volunteers.

Members have given their time to the 2017 Garden Tour, the 2017 San Diego County Fair Garden (committee, set up/ break down, sitting at the Fair Garden during the Fair), setting up/greeting at meetings, new member events, newsletter volunteers (writers, editors, and photographers), and board members. As I'm new to SDHS, I’m sure I’m missing a few specific events, but over the next year I will be sure to recognize them all.

I’d like to give special recognition to Patty Berg, outgoing volunteer coordinator, who pulled together a wonderful picnic. She, along with mother/daughter team, Christina and Gabrielle Ivany, and myself, provided delicious egg casseroles.

In the spirit of giving, several businesses donated door prizes that added to the festivities. Donations were received from: Gardens by the Sea, Andy’s Orchids, The Wishing Tree Company, Ray Brooks, Barrels & Branches Nursery, Jason Chen Botanicals, Garden Design Magazine, and Debra Lee Baldwin.

Thank you to all volunteers…those present and those unable to join us this year. As your new volunteer coordinator, I look forward to a great year of working with everyone and hope to find opportunities for all to participate.

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