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February 2025
2020 Articles

Sep 30, 2020
SHARING SECRETS: SDHS Facebook Page & Group Posts!
While the new Sharing Secrets Editor, Cathy Tylka, gets settled into her new role, you can read the many Sharing Secrets Columns of the past

Sep 30, 2020
GARDEN SURROUNDINGS: Sunflowers, the Funflowers!
Sunflowers are so much FUN to Grow! If you have a place where you can put them every year they give so much joy. I smile every time I walk o

Sep 30, 2020
THE BUG MAN: One Bug, Two Bug, Red Bug, Blue Bug
In the fall, a common call I receive from friends and neighbors concerns masses of bright red bugs on trees, shed walls or front porches. I’

Sep 30, 2020
GOING WILD WITH NATIVES: Going Native & Getting Buggy with California Buckwheat
Can I get your attention by suggesting that you grow some wooly knees? Eriogonum (erion meaning “wool” and gonu meaning “knee” or “joint” in

Sep 1, 2020
PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Horticulturist of the Year
Because this year has been, was, is the worst year ever in so many regards, the board decided to delay the presentation of the Horticulturis

Aug 31, 2020
PERMACULTURE: Be a Soil Farmer
Permaculturists are soil farmers first and plant growers second. All the world’s wealth is in its soil and the real gold is the microorganis

Aug 31, 2020
Pick up a postcard of San Diego. What do you see besides iconic landmarks? Mexican Fan Palms, Washingtonia robusta, Canary Island Date Palms

Aug 31, 2020
GROW IN ABUNDANCE: Fall - Perfect Time to Prepare Cool Season Gardens
In San Diego, we are fortunate to have a temperate Mediterranean climate that allows for growing vegetables all year long. As we transition

Aug 31, 2020
In Southern California there are two small remnants of “relic pine forests” that precede the Glacial Period. Trees in these forests were we

Aug 31, 2020
TREES, PLEASE: Don’t try this at Home!
A good friend of mine owns a nursery in San Diego named South Coast Wholesale. One of his business ventures involves moving big trees. Somet

Aug 31, 2020
EDITOR'S LETTER: Dos and Don'ts of Power Pole Gardening
Do you have a power pole in your garden? I do. And, for the last 19 years I have successfully gardened around mine. I say successfully becau

Aug 31, 2020
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Sharing Secrets
While the new editor of the Sharing Secrets column gets trained by the retiring editor in the ins and outs of the job, you can still enjoy l

Aug 31, 2020
MEETING REPORT: Kate Sessions’ World Wide Web of Horticulture
A long-time member of the SDHS and a former law professor at USD, presenter Nancy Carol Carter has devoted her retirement to historical rese

Aug 31, 2020
NEXT MEETING: 10/12, Manzanitas & More - Creating Garden Structure with Natives
Su Kraus is owner and joint founder of Moosa Creek Nursery, a wholesale nursery specializing in California native plants. In 2004 when the n

Aug 31, 2020
What's Up at SDBG?: Garden to Table Fall Fundraiser!
Garden to Table Fall Fundraiser!

Aug 14, 2020
MY LIFE WITH PLANTS: Costa Rican Riches - Around San José
Our trip started in the capital city, San José. From there we did several day long trips. On a walking tour of San José we found that unlike

Jul 31, 2020
Surprise! I started writing this letter in early July as my usual Editor's Letter and, in the meantime, at the recent board meeting, I was m

Jul 31, 2020
SEPTEMBER MEETING: We are Having a Horticultural Concert!
That's right! We will be having a Zoom concert of horticulturally rich songs, live from the front porch stage at Karen England's home in Vis

Jul 31, 2020
BOARD MEMBER SHOWCASE: Jason Chen, Member-at-Large
So, I’ve always been into plants even as a young child . . . I think my mom would say ever since I could walk and pick things up. Summer T-b

Jul 31, 2020
(NOT) FROM THE ARCHIVES: Gold Medallion Tree
This article first appeared in the October 2006 issue of Pacific Horticulture Magazine written by Steve Brigham. Since it could have, just a

Jul 31, 2020
MEETING REPORT: Zoom Meeting Success!
On Monday, July 13, 2020 at 6 PM the San Diego Horticultural Society held its first ever zoom general meeting (the SDHS board has been meeti

Jul 31, 2020
Summer is the time. Time to get out and get some gardening done. Time to stay active in the yard during COVID-19. Time to kill your invasive

Jul 31, 2020
TREES, PLEASE! How Do Trees Become “Native”?
A global pandemic is forcing humans to consider their collective vulnerability, while humbled individuals are expected to hover in place - r

Jul 31, 2020
FROM THE BOARD: New Roles and New Offerings
Other discussion at the July 20 Board meeting included a Treasurer’s Report from Ray Brooks. Ray shared that SDHS continues to be in good fi

Jul 31, 2020
The Poway Garden Tour this year was cancelled as we all know, but Dennis Mudd, whose garden was to have been on the tour, kindly sent us pho

Jul 31, 2020
The sound of splashing water is especially refreshing on these hot summer days. Do you have a favorite water feature in your garden?

Jul 31, 2020
AUGUST MEETING: Kate Sessions’ World Wide Web of Horticulture
AUGUST MEETING: Kate Sessions’ World Wide Web of Horticulture

Feb 1, 2020
FALLBROOK FOOD FOREST: Permaculture and Water
Water harvesting is a main practice in permaculture. In undisturbed habitats, plants and plant debris cover the ground. Water falling direc

Feb 1, 2020
FROM THE BOARD: 2020 SDHS Meetings Calendar
Did you know that most but not all of the San Diego Horticultural Society meetings happen on the second Monday of the month? Or that they ar

Feb 1, 2020
SHARING SECRETS: Gnome Sweet Gnome
Garden Gnomes: Some people love them ("Yes! Even my fairy garden has a garden gnome.") and some people hate them ("Do they really have a pl

Feb 1, 2020
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Successful Drought Tolerant Gardening, Let’s Talk Plants! February 2009, No. 173
These articles will provide helpful websites and county-wide resources to give you new ideas and examples of beautiful drought tolerant plan

Feb 1, 2020
What's Up at SDBG
Dr. Ori Fragman-Sapir is the scientific director of the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens in Israel. He is an expert on the Mediterranean and West

Feb 1, 2020
The Mediterranean climate of San Diego carries the reputation of year-round garden blooms, the forever spring of a warm temperate environmen

Feb 1, 2020

Feb 1, 2020
EDITOR'S LETTER: Some Thoughts on Scientific Plant Names Brought on by a Very Large Vine.
My parents were born in and I grew up to the age of 11 in Sierra Madre, California, a tiny, idyllic burg in Los Angeles County, the home of

Feb 1, 2020
MEETING REPORT: Mark Berninger, Natural Resource Manager for SD Parks & Recreation Open Space Div.
Mark Berninger, Natural Resource Manager for San Diego Parks and Recreation Open Space Division spoke on Monday night. He, along with three

Feb 1, 2020
TREES, PLEASE: “Silky” Trees
Valentine’s Day is nigh. Do you wish for romantic gifts of silken fabric, sweet fruit or gorgeous flowers? A genuine “silk” tree could be a

Feb 1, 2020
SDHS NEWS: Volunteer Coordinator Needed
SDHS is searching for a new Volunteer Coordinator. Want to help out the San Diego Horticultural Society in a meaningful way? This is how!

Jan 20, 2020
FEBRUARY MEETING: Spiny Succulents with Jeff Moore.
Join us for a wonderful evening with the ever popular speaker, local expert and San Diego Horticultural Society member, Jeff Moore of Solana

Jan 1, 2020
MEETING REPORT: The Magical World of Seeds.
December’s meeting welcomed special guest Brijette Peña and her crew from the San Diego Seed Company. The San Diego Seed Co. is a unique res

Jan 1, 2020
MY LIFE WITH PLANTS: Peruvian Puya Pursuit.
This past September I joined a plant expedition tour to Peru. It was a different type of tour for me. The focus was mostly on seeing cacti

Jan 1, 2020
THE BUG MAN: Common True Katydid.
While working to fix an irrigation line in my yard I noticed that one of my window screens was slightly damaged. Upon closer inspection, I n

Jan 1, 2020
First published in Let’s Talk Plants! January 2009, No.172 Don’t be afraid to prune your fruit trees! It is much easier than most people th

Jan 1, 2020
If there was a king of the winter garden, it would be the mighty kale. It’s nutritious, incredibly hardy and produces a crop throughout the

Jan 1, 2020
SDHS MEMBERS INVITED: Private Garden Succulent and Cacti Party.
As in prior years, this party will have plants for sale that have been propagated for this event and garden related items (cash only please

Jan 1, 2020
SHARING SECRETS: Growing Plants from Seeds.
Our December meeting featured an enthusiastic and informative talk by Brijette Peña on "The Magical World of Seeds". Have you grown plants

Jan 1, 2020
TREES, PLEASE: My Tree, iTree.
Trees add to our enjoyment of our daily living. Providing habitat for local fauna, screening from annoying situations, they are harvested fo

Jan 1, 2020
EDITOR’S LETTER: Hello 2020! Are You Growing Any of the Plants of the Year?
I am a long-time member of the International Herb Association, the IHA, and we have a long-standing educational program called the Herb of t

Dec 19, 2019
JANUARY MEETING: Mark Berninger, Tracking the Rare Plant Super Bloom in City Open Space Preserves.
Monday, January 13th, 2019, 6:00 PM • Congregation Beth Israel Mark Berninger, the City of San Diego’s Parks and Recreation Department...
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