Jul 1, 2021

EDITOR'S LETTER: Miss American Green Cross of 1928 Pleads "Help Save Our Trees"

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

By Karen England.

Historically the Green Cross has had many different iterations from meaning "First Aid," or a "Medical Marijuana Dispensary," to an international environmentalist organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, founded by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993 among many other things. Recently, I visited beautiful Brand Park for the first time, located in Glendale, California, and learned about the American Green Cross Society of 1926.

I was fascinated. A little google search once I was back home led me to the Forest History Society and it filled in the rest of the story and you can read it here https://foresthistory.org/the-saga-of-miss-american-green-cross/

"Help Save Our Trees"
"The Forest Is The Mother Of Our Rivers"

- Miss American Green Cross

I wish the American Green Cross Society of the 1920's still existed. I would join ...

Karen England, recently at Brand Park in Glendale, California, wants everyone to "Help Save Our Trees".

Just to be clear, SDHS President and newsletter editor-in-chief, Karen England, is not Miss American Green Cross. I repeat, she is not Miss American Green Cross.

But if she were, she'd spread the word far and wide, "Help Save Our Trees."
