Sep 1, 2017

FROM THE BOARD: New Board Members

By Susan Starr.

We are pleased to welcome two new Board members: John Beaudry, who will be chairing the Spring Garden Tour, and Ken Kubarych, our new Membership Chair.

John Beaudry is the owner of John Beaudry Landscape Design, a San Diego landscaping company. John specializes in historic landscapes and his approach involves honoring classical themes in landscape design and architecture while suggesting plants, materials, and methodologies that help to stabilize, improve, or restore ecosystem services. Although he is new to the San Diego region, he has designed and installed gardens from New York to Chicago and in Northern California for over thirty years. John is excited about chairing the Spring Garden Tour because he loves gardens and people. He enjoys bringing people together to share their gardens and ideas. Gardeners often work by themselves; garden tours are an opportunity to share our creations with the people who most appreciate them—other gardeners!

Ken Kubarych is a former engineer who worked for many years at Solar Turbines in San Diego. He credits his wife, Barbara, for his interest in gardening. She is an avid gardener, and he has always helped her with her gardening projects. If you were on our Spring Garden Tour in 2016, you will remember their beautiful garden in east Del Mar. When not at home in San Diego, you will often find Ken in Mammoth Lakes. He and Barbara are both avid volunteer instructors and on the Advisory Council of Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra. Headquartered in Mammoth Lakes, California, Disabled Sports offers year-round outdoor sports and activities for adults and children with a wide range of disabilities. Ken is very supportive of the SDHS mission to create beautiful and environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes, something that is especially challenging in our dry Southern California climate. He is pleased to have the opportunity to make a contribution to this mission by serving as Membership Chair.

